Humble Contrite Child of God w/Aspiring Goals Seeking Aid N Kind.

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  • Region Lee
  • Active since 13 of january
  • Views 227

Hello my name is Tina Rodriguez I'm a humble contrite child of God with aspiring goals I don't have any depressing photos to show I don't have heck I don't have any photos to show all that I know is that I'm applying for a loan a personal loan and I lack $150 for processing be what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get off the streets at midtown Sacramento I don't have a tent to sleep in I've been sleeping with somebody else's hand and it's been very cold at night and I'm just trying to get on with my life and I need to be in a warm place that I can be stationary so I can charge my phone so I can be productive and that counterproductive stuck spinning my wheels I have an approved for a loan but the loan company says that because my credit score is below 750 I need to secure the loan with 150 I have cash app I'm begging you anybody who reads this to please assist me with this I'm a humble contrite child of God I believe in working hard and diligently earnestly to earn basic essentials in life even but I don't even have that I'm barely surviving anyone who reads this I'm asking you begging you to contribute whatever you can whatever the Lord puts on your heart to contribute and I would kindly appreciate it my cash app information is [email protected] or you could just type in dollar sign A b b a 0101 thank you and God bless you I'm located in the midtown area of Sacramento California