Help the Victims of Cyclone Freddy in Malawi

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Dear Friends,

Malawi has been experiencing Tropical Cyclone Freddy since Sunday 12th March. Over 100 people are confirmed dead in Blantyre alone, and this number is rising across the nine districts of the Southern region of the country.

Thousands more have been displaced from their homes. Homes have been destroyed, livestock lost, crops washed away and livelihoods lost in a flash. Rivers of mud are making the roads impassable, bridges are washed away and access is limited.
The cyclone has devastated some of the poorest people in the world and the aftermath is likely to claim even more casualties.
We are appealing to everyone to help to support our efforts to mobilise urgent aid to help the victims of the storm.

Funds will be used to buy emergency food, clothing, bedding and temporary shelter.
Every penny donated will be forwarded to the appropriate person's and will also be fully accounted for.

Thank you.

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